The Blanpied Lab utilizes cutting-edge microscopy to examine synapse structure and function.
At individual synapses, nanoscale protein organization and synaptic function are inextricably linked. By using novel optical approaches including single-molecule localization microscopy and single-synapse functional imaging, we can explore with high resolution how proteins within individual synapses are dynamically organized and how this organization impacts and is impacted by synaptic transmission.
Congrats Dr. Dharmasri!
Blanpied LabToday, we celebrated Poorna’s incredible achievement: a successful PhD defense! His dedication and brilliance have…
Will it Grill????
Blanpied Lab“Will it Grill” was the sizzling sensation that turned backyard barbecues on their heads! In…
Congrats Dr. Ramsey
Blanpied LabToday, we honored Austin Ramseys’s remarkable feat: a triumphant PhD defense! 🎓🌟 His unwavering dedication…
Happy Passover, everyone!
Blanpied LabMay you be freed from the bondage of poor expression levels.