Blanpied Lab

Home of your favorite synapses

September 18, 2023
by Blanpied Lab

Congrats Dr. Dharmasri!

Today, we celebrated Poorna’s incredible achievement: a successful PhD defense! His dedication and brilliance have not only earned him a doctorate but have left a lasting impression on the Blanpied Lab. Here’s to a bright future filled with limitless possibilities! We will miss you Poorna!!

May 31, 2022
by Blanpied Lab

Will it Grill????

“Will it Grill” was the sizzling sensation that turned backyard barbecues on their heads! In this innovative culinary showdown, brave grillmasters took on the challenge of cooking foods you’d never expect to sizzle over an open flame. From cake to lasagna, “Will it Grill” pushed the boundaries of grilling expertise, as participants tested their skills and creativity to transform unconventional ingredients into smoky, mouthwatering delights. It was a journey that fired up taste buds and showcased the grill’s untapped potential, redefining outdoor cooking in the process!

December 3, 2021
by Blanpied Lab

Congrats Dr. Ramsey

Today, we honored Austin Ramseys’s remarkable feat: a triumphant PhD defense! 🎓🌟

His unwavering dedication and intellectual excellence have secured him a doctorate while leaving an enduring impact on their field. Let’s embrace the promising journey that lies ahead, filled with boundless opportunities! 🚀👏